Sunday, 7 October 2012

The dark knight

Genre - Action, Crime, Drama
Sub Genre - Superhero crime thriller

The setting of this film is a American city which is very urban and idustrial. This is a very dark area and becomes quite rundown during the course of the film. Its very sub urban at times and you can see the difference between the better off areas of the iry and the lower areas.

The iconography of this film is a bat, a superherocostume and of futuristic technology.

The mood is dark and brooding as this is quite a sinister film. You see the darkness when the batman is attacking and you see the lower areas of the land and what they can result to.

Genre of Avengers

Sub Genre
Superhero action thriller

The setting of the avengers is a American city where most of the action takes place. It is very urban and idustrial. You do go too some better off areas but it is generally set in new york. This is used as this is where a lot of Tony Starks work is which is integral to the film.

The iconography of the film again is superhero costumes and of a team of superstars together.

The mood is quite uplifting as it is about people who try to save everyone even when the odds are staked against them.

Friday, 5 October 2012

Genre is the the category that a film genre goes into based on what the film is. Genre is not just used for movies but in lots of other forms. Genre helps to classify the film and put it in the correct form and context before it is released.
Iconography is the way that films are identified. They are ways that you could see something and be able to look at the film. It helps you too make connections between films and objects and parts of the film. You can use these a lot of the time when thinking about the film and what it is like.
Sub-Genre is other categories inside the larger categories that films can be based in. They can be several of these though. There re many different sub genres and many can relate to one film. This tells you all of what the film will be about and not just be a overview.
Hybrid genre - having more than one genre in one film. They could be a thriller but they could also fit into horror. This is only used on some specific films that may need to incorporate more than one genre. 

Star Wars - Episode 3 Revenge of the Sith
Genre, Action, Adventure and Fantasy
Sub Genre - Space hero adventure

The setting of Star Wars is different depending on where they are. Overall it is a space film as it goes to many places in the galaxy. The movie takes you to industrial, urban worlds to triopical and elemental worlds.

The iconography of Star Wars could be futuristic technology as everything is far mnore advanced in the film. Superenatural as there are lots of aliens in the film and of costumes for heros as many characters who are integral to the film have there own specific wear.

The mood of this Star Wars film is very dark compared to other films as this is the end of the good in the Star Wars universe. It can be quite mysterious in places as you don't know what will happen.

A setting of star wars

Thursday, 4 October 2012

“ The BBC is systematically failing to meet the principles Of Public service Broadcasting” Discuss

The BBC is not meeting the PSB criteria, which is quite poor of them as they are a PSB. Due to them not doing this it is exiling watchers and could have several implications for them. The principles of Public Service Broadcasting were set out to help the viewer get what they were paying for and there are eight key principles. They could lose funding and is doing this, as they cannot be bothered to change the schedule.

They are still keeping to some of the key principles but they are not keeping to all of them. This is shown by lots of the same genre of television shows on during daytime television. They are still making them available to everyone but if it is only appealing to a small minority then it could be seen as they are trying to turn away viewers. 

They need to cater for the smaller groups but having this many of the same type of show is not a good idea as they wont have a range of audiences. As they do have them though it is a good thing but it needs to be controlled. One of the main principles is too appeal to a range of audiences, which they are not doing if they are showing so many of the same genre. If they changed what they showed then they would be fulfilling the criteria. They are not reflecting the national identity by showing lots of the same show. As they are doing this they are making us look like a country that only likes to buy and is very old fashioned. This is shown in programmes like “cash in the Attic” and “ Antiques Road show”.  You could show people old British comedies which they are starting to do with “Only Falls and Horses”. They made sketches such as “Black Adder “and “Monty Python” which could be shown to show part of what our nation is about. The daily mail also did an article on this which highlighted the issues with showing too much of the same shows. They see it as an outrage and even show that people in the BBC are not happy with the way the schedule is run.

The BBC should be should have new ideas that it can be showing and having new programing innovations. This is definitely not being shown if they are showing the same shows. They could try new ideas and see if people like them at these times, which may gain them lots more views. If the ratings dropped then they would know that what they were doing wasn’t working but if the increased then they could try them at different times.

They should be trying to get the best shows out that they can which will appeal to everyone. If they are getting out the best shows that they can then the ratings will start to increase for certain times. Even if it doesn’t then they will still be showing the breadth if British television and promoting what we can do on the television.

 The are starting to change though as they have started to pioneer putting on other shows at these times and have said they will cut some of the shows next year and add different shows according to the daily mail. This means they are taking steps forward to meeting the criteria.

Overall, the BBC is not doing what they need to be doing to fulfil the key principles but this may change. They are not using enough genres of shows and are using the same types of shows one after the other. This goes against many f the key principles and this must change otherwise the BBC may come under lots more criticism. They have been doing tis for a long time so they have been doing it deliberately. 

Wednesday, 26 September 2012

Parts of a newspaper:

The title of the paper which is at the front and usually very large so that the user can identify which paper they are using. It helps you too make your choice on which type of newspaper you want.

A wide headline extending across the entire page. This tells you what the main story of the day will be about.

The headline of a story which can be used to identify what the story is about. This gives a short overview of what will be told and try's to draw the reader in to the story.

Underneath the headline which can be used to give you more information on the story. Lines of type often bold, used to divide text into smaller text. After the headline gives a rough overview of what you will be reading.

This is used to identify who has made the article. If you are looking for specific people who write articles then this can help you.

Jump line
The turn over too part of the page which is on the front page of most newspapers. Can be used to tell you where you will need to go to finish off a story.

A sentence or two which tells you what a picture is about. Is used to usually identify who is in the picture and tell you what is happening in it. It is also trying to tell you what the picture is meant to show.

A part of the text which has the text in of the story. Several can be use on one story if it is a big story with lots of information in it. Used to keep paragraphs in and break up text.

The small space between two columns that can be on different pages, used to break up text columns.

A printing term for a straight line, usually produced with a roll of border tape.

The text of a story. Tells you about what happened.

A picture on the story usually used to show something about the story. Can be used to make the page look more entertaining to the reader.

Monday, 17 September 2012

Mise en Scene is a french word which is used to describe the aspects of theatre and film productions. These include: compesition, lighting, camara angles and colours.

Establishing Shot sets up the context for a scene by showing the important figures and objects. This is also a shot which is usually taken at great distance. Can be used to set the scene in a film and show lots of the areas that the film may be in. 

Long Shot is used to show an object or figure and put it a surroning area. This can also be known as a wide shot. You can see everything in the shot and can get to see the whole shot. 

04 BR Still

Mid Shot  is shot from a medium distance so that is is not too far away but close enough so that you can see what you want. You can see everything you need too. You can see some definition on the screen but not as much as a close shot.

05 BR Still

Close Shot shows everything very closely and makes everything look very close. The shot can show the detail of what is happening and help yo to look at the screen. You can see lots of definition on the screen. 

Point of View Shot shows what the character is looking at or something from their perspective. They can let you into the eyes of whoever or whatever you are watching. You can see the world from their eyes. It lets you get good definitions. 

High Angle Shot or otherwise known as a birds eye shot is taken from above looking down on something or someone. This can be used o make someone look bigger than they are and make some people look small compared to others.

10 BR Still

Low Angle Shot is taken by looking up at something. They can be used to make people look ominous and bigger than they are. They can also make people look like the big bosses and as if they are better than some other people.

09 BR Still

Monday, 10 September 2012

Apple Mac adverts 2 and 3

1) The first advert is about a PC and a Mac and that the PC can run Windows but the Mac can run both Apple software and Windows software. This is told through the two characters on the screen who have a debate about which is better, Mac or PC. The idea of this advert is too inform consumers about the fact that a Mac can do the same as a PC that run Windows and more. The advert tells us that if you buy a Mac you will not need to buy anything else as you will be able to use windows on the computer and all the applications that come with it. If you buy a PC then you may have to buy a Mac of you want to do certain tasks as only Macs will have the functions to do this or they may have better software for you too use.

Apple has used a known actor for the advert. They have used Justin Long as the Mac who is the younger and better known of the two actors. This is used to show that Macs are newer and are maybe better and more useful than PC's. The PC is played by John Hodgman who is a author actor and humorist. He is older which may be trying to show that PC's are older and as the actor is not as well known that maybe PC's are not as useful and Mac's.

The advert is also on a white background and white is the colour that Mac's come in. This could be used to help show the consumer everything on the screen and that Mac's can help you do everything. The advert is trying to get the consumer to buy the Mac product by saying that is it better than a PC.

2) In this advert the two actors are asking each other what they are going to do with the day. Justin Long who is playing the Mac is in a Mac box which is white. He then sais what he is going to do with his day which is already all on his Mac after it is ready to use. The means he has no hassle before he has to do what he wants to do. John Hodgman who is playing the PC states that he has a lot to do before he can start to use the products and do what he wants to do. This is because he will have to buy much more software and read and learn how to use it before he can start. The other actor leaves and it is stated that the PC you will need more than one box. This will take more time for people. This will also cost people more money on top of whatever they have played for their PC.

This tells us that the PC is a lot more hassle than if you buy a Mac and the PC does not come with everything installed and purchased for like a Mac. They have used this advert to show the ease of using a Mac over a PC. This should get more consumers to buy the product as lots of people will not want as much hassle as is need if you buy a PC rather than a Mac.

The advert overall tells us that Mac's are easier than a PC is.