Genre is the the category that a film genre goes into based on what the film is. Genre is not just used for movies but in lots of other forms. Genre helps to classify the film and put it in the correct form and context before it is released.
Iconography is the way that films are identified. They are ways that you could see something and be able to look at the film. It helps you too make connections between films and objects and parts of the film. You can use these a lot of the time when thinking about the film and what it is like.
Sub-Genre is other categories inside the larger categories that films can be based in. They can be several of these though. There re many different sub genres and many can relate to one film. This tells you all of what the film will be about and not just be a overview.
Hybrid genre - having more than one genre in one film. They could be a thriller but they could also fit into horror. This is only used on some specific films that may need to incorporate more than one genre.
Star Wars - Episode 3 Revenge of the Sith
Genre, Action, Adventure and Fantasy
Sub Genre - Space hero adventureThe setting of Star Wars is different depending on where they are. Overall it is a space film as it goes to many places in the galaxy. The movie takes you to industrial, urban worlds to triopical and elemental worlds.
The iconography of Star Wars could be futuristic technology as everything is far mnore advanced in the film. Superenatural as there are lots of aliens in the film and of costumes for heros as many characters who are integral to the film have there own specific wear.
The mood of this Star Wars film is very dark compared to other films as this is the end of the good in the Star Wars universe. It can be quite mysterious in places as you don't know what will happen.
A setting of star wars
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